May 31, 2005

So I says to Mabel, I says,

This weekend consisted muchly of packing and moving and unpacking and arranging. We like our new apartment and can't wait to put it together. I still have loads of things at my old apartment that I need to get, and I wish we had already gotten all of this stuff, because now I'm too sore to lift another box.

Still, hooray for our new place!

Also, why am I still coughy and sniffly? Not fun! Do I suddenly have allergies to something? No me gusta!

May 26, 2005

Work stories

There is easily enough room in each aisle for 2 normally sized American males. So it confounds me that, every time I encounter a coworker in the aisle, he feels the need to flatten himself against the wall when I pass. Maybe there's something I don't know about myself? I would say I'm smaller than the average american male. Maybe it's because I'm a girl and they don't want to be accused of harrassment or something. Maybe it's because they're not accustomed to seeing girls around the office, since I'm now one of roughly four females here. Either way, it's weird, though.

Oh, also, I just got a hilarious email from a guy I had asked to do something for me this morning. The subject line was: "I didn't forget you!" He talked about how he got side-tracked and hadn't got around to my task yet, and then said:
I remembered you said you will be out tomorrow .... so, I will have another Email for you by very early Tuesday ... with everything I promised and more!
How exciting!
FPGA are soooooooo much fun!

This guy is pretty funny. He's covered in gold jewelry and he has a LOT of candy in his cubicle. He also drinks coffee that appears to be about 70 parts cream, 1 part coffee. I can't wait to see what the "more" will be in Tuesday's email. I hope it's candy!

My sinister plan

I want to start smoking so I can quit, and then keep track of what I would be spending on cigarettes each day if I were smoking, and then use that money to buy an IBM ThinkPad. Also, if I started smoking, I could get paid to do lots of medical studies, because they're always looking for smokers who are looking to quit to try out their new medications.

I guess I could just pretend I just quit smoking and keep track of what I would be spending on cigarettes if I were ever a smoker. I don't even know how much cigarettes cost.

Of course, I am graduating soon. Maybe my parents will give me a kick-ass gift of lots of cigarettes. Then I can start smoking and follow through with the rest of my plan. It's perfect!

Right now, Lisa is driving to Colorado with her friends, and Sammy is driving to Boston all alone in his car (his Pappy and Step-Mammy are in their truck, which is full of Sammy's furniture). Sammy's called me about infinity times so far today. He's pretty bored. I told him to rent an audiobook from the library, but I don't think he did. Maybe there is something good on NPR that he can listen to. I've never had to drive so far by myself. What should he do? My dad drives long distances by himself. I'll ask him what he does to pass the time.

May 25, 2005

What homework?

Oh, Rachael is the sweetest lass there ever was. She saw my drawing of my messy, not packed room and offered to help me pack up things. So last night, we ate some egg rolls and then got to work while listening to hits from the 90's, such as "Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm" by Crash Test Dummies! She packed all of my books and knick-knacks, and she took down all of the wall items, and she wrote funny things on the boxes, and then we made waffles and watched Law & Order: SVU! Well, you know what they say: the world is a vampire!

Yesterday I was drawing a mermaid in the artpad and one of the grownups that work here walked by and saw it. I was embarrassed. Later, I had an extreme coughing fit and nearly died, and then stumbled to the restroom to freshen up. There's a little health-room type of bed in the ladies' bathroom, and I was sitting on it, wiping my red, teary eyes, and a lady walked in. She must have thought I was crazy.

This week's weather is EXTREMELY miserable. My landlord described it as "weather for doing laundry." I have no idea what he meant by that. I've been told that a Nor'easter is here, and will be here until Sunday. I am not loving this. Last night I woke up several times due to wind and rain, and I NEVER wake up during the night. It's also been the 3rd coldest May in HISTORY!!!!!!!!! I even had to wear my winter jacket, which depresses me to no end.

May 20, 2005

From Jeejeen!

Click here to view my beautiful artwork! It's the story of a girl who has lots of clothes and junk, but no time to clean up anything or pack up her clothes and junk so she can move next Friday. Aiee!

May 18, 2005

Short people got no reason to live

Hello my darling angels,

It is my duty to inform you of an amazing event happening this weekend. It's something called "Beantown Blitz." Let me direct you to a post I made in a LiveJournal Community. Otherwise, here's the info:

Beantown Blitz, FIRST robotics competition!
Saturday, May 21st, 2005 (all day!)
Matthews Arena, Northeastern University

So if you're in Boston and looking for something to do this Saturday, consider dropping by! It will be a hoooot!

PS: My mom reads this now, so let's cut back on the sweary words! Just kidding about this; one of her main ways of making Lisa and me laugh is by swearing, because she's so little and cute that swear words coming from her just sound kind of silly. She's not even five feet tall! WHAT A FREAK!!!!!!!

May 13, 2005

My Achey Spring Breaky Heart

My throat is sore and I feel a slight head cold coming on, so I think my weekend plans will involve a lot of lounging and sipping tea and reading, as opposed to what I'd previously planned, which is ...oh wait, that's exactly what I had previously planned to do this weekend. Oops!

Well, actually, I was thinking about going to an estate sale run by my favorite antiquey store, Cobwebs, but I'm pretty sure it will be raining tomorrow, so there's a chance the estate sale will be postponed or cancelled. I might secretly be glad it's raining all weekend, because then I have an excuse for my lounginess. Although I'll more than make up for it in the weekends to come: the weekend after this is Beantown Blitz, which I will describe in a later entry, and a team mentors party at Don's, the next weekend will be the weekend Sammy and I move into our new apartment with the help of Sammy's parents, the weekend after that will be our first weekend in the apartment and will surely entail some hard work on our part, and the weekend after that (I think?) Rachael and I will be in Puerto Plata, like the Girls Gone Wild we are. If by Girls Gone Wild, I mean Girls Who Like Playing Skip-Bo and Singing Disney Songs. Of course I mean that.

May 12, 2005

I'd blame parents, except he hasn't got 'em

What is going on with me? I have a recurring theme where, at work, I plan all the things I will do once I get out of work, such as start packing (I'm moving in a couple of weeks!!!), get some groceries, do laundry, etc. However, instead of doing those things, I bike home and lounge in bed reading or something and decide I'm sleepy and take a nap, then maybe eat something and play on the internet, and then watch a couple of episodes of Law & Order: SVU and then go to sleep. I'm such a loaf!

Last weekend, we tried to convince Ben to play some songs, and for some reason he didn't want to. Finally he said that if we sang something, he would play something. So Rachael and Liz and I sang the Little Mermaid song about thing-a-ma-bobs and the Aladdin song where the lady says, "still I think he's rathah tasty" and I think we might have sung another Disney song, but I forgot. Then Ben sang his song and we all sang along and he forgot some words but we recalled them because we love his song. And then the other Ben sang his song, and I liked that a lot too. That song had something about him wishing he could die so his friends could laugh together like they used to. Rachael can't wrap her mind around the other Ben.

And now I'm listening to the Katamari Damacy Soundtrack and I love it. Right now there's a song on called Cherry Blossom Color Season that's sung by children and it's really cute.

Why is tongue spelled so strangely?

May 09, 2005

I'm four on the floor 'cause I'm a TONKA TRUCK

I had a wonderful weekend full of volleyball and the outdoors and food and beer and friends! We stayed in Aaron's parents' mansion and were pampered to no end!

Click on the picture of Rachael to look at the set of pictures from our weekend in the Constitution State!
Connecticut Weekend!

Since I'm feeling a mite cranky right now, I will list the only negatives from the trip:
  1. All 10 of us were to sleep in one large room (the attic playroom, which was big!). This was totally great, and I was glad we were situated out of the way of the family, except on Saturday night when several of the 10 were drunk and campfiery and: SNORING. Ben described it as a lumbermill, I think. I was dying inside. Finally, I took my blanket and eyemask and slept on the couch in the living room (which was actually really comfy, and there was a nice constant hum from the minifridge in the minibar). Shortly after I found my new sleeping arrangements, Ben and Rachael came downstairs with their air mattress and things and joined me in the living room. Very nice.
  2. My arms are SO SORE right now from playing volleyball. This was totally unexpected, actually, and I'm in a lot of pain!
  3. It was my brilliant idea to play Scategories, which is mostly a really fun game, but in actuality, it almost always causes serious arguments between Rachael and me. This time, there were two small arguments, both regarding my choices for List 3. The letter was P, and two of the categories were Farm Animals and Colors. I listed a pheasant as a farm animal (most people agreed with me that there are pheasant farms and this one was acceptable) and for my Color, I chose Pantone #292. I was actually really proud of my answer, but almost everyone said that it wasn't acceptable. I know it is, though.
  4. Now I have to be at work!
Overall, the trip was great and I loved everything and I'm happy!

May 06, 2005

Someone is eating the most fragrant Doritos in world history. It's like I'm snorting "Nacho Cheesier." I feel like ralphing.

In related news, someone else is making a loud noise. It sounds like he's dropping pennies from a height of five feet into a large glass container. Not my favorite thing.

The best laid plans of mice

So, after deliberating for about thirty seconds, Rachael and I have decided to go the route of beaches and daquiris instead of culture and ...not beaches. We are going to the Dominican Republic! On one of those all-inclusive deals! We are dorks! We're going to wake up every morning, yell, "SPRINNNNNG BREAAKKK!!!!!!" and then play on the beach forever. Shut up, we love it! We went to the STA office at school last night and looked at all the packages and had the agent look up about ten million things and then we found the one for us, and Rachael yelled out, "LETTTT'S DOOO ITTT!!!" really loudly and excitedly, and then the agent and everyone else in the place (all three people!) were completely silent and I laughed a lot.

Tonight my friends and I (minus Nicki and Andrea, sadly, since they're going to the Grand Canyon for a geology trip) are going to Connecticut for a weekend of lots of food and maybe a bonfire or something at Aaron's family's house. I'm not the hugest fan of Connecticut, I'll admit, but Aaron's dad is a chiropractor and they have a pool and it's for Aaron's birthday. Do you hate me yet? I do. Baby, I can change!

And follow this link to a picture of an awesome beeee!!!!!

May 04, 2005

A quick story

One time, Rachael and Bethany were skipping happily down the street, arm in arm, and a motorcyclist saw them, stopped his bike and yelled, "Hey! The LOSER HOUSE is THAT WAY!" and pointed in the other direction. They laughed and laughed. I try to say that line to people as often as possible, but it doesn't fit in very many situations.

Hooray trip!

Hey people, help me! Rachael and I will be taking a vacation in mid-June and we need a place to go! I'm thinking somewhere in Canada, like Montreal or Prince Edward Island. I've never been to Canada and I need to go! Tell us what to do!

May 03, 2005

I've got the golden ticket!

Oh my heavens! I have received confirmation that I have indeed found a new apartment for me and Rachael and Sammy to share! My new bushy-browed landlord called me up this morning to tell me that my credit check was a success! Peter (who is an artist and has painted the building a nice color and has put his artwork up in the entryway, and it makes me happy) and Joyce (I don't know as much about her, but she seemed pleasant) are the co-landlords, actually, and they will be living beneath us on the second floor of a triple-decker building. They seemed really nice. When I went to look at the apartment, we talked for a long time about cows (Peter had a really sweet cow painting) and we talked even longer about bees, because there was a wounded carpenter bee in the porch area. I took a picture of the bee and will post it later. I know you're anxious to see it.

Anyway, I'm truly relieved to have ended my quest for an apartment. I like looking at apartments a lot, but it's stressful to have to search craiglist and make appointments to see apartments and make the decision for three people when I'm the only one in Boston at the moment. So hopefully Sammy and Rachael won't hate the apartment. The beauty of this lease, though, is that's it's on a month-to-month basis, which is awesome. So if they do hate it, or if we find something better, we can just switch over to another place! Hosannah in the highest!

Hurray for 79 Brookley Rd!