May 25, 2005

What homework?

Oh, Rachael is the sweetest lass there ever was. She saw my drawing of my messy, not packed room and offered to help me pack up things. So last night, we ate some egg rolls and then got to work while listening to hits from the 90's, such as "Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm" by Crash Test Dummies! She packed all of my books and knick-knacks, and she took down all of the wall items, and she wrote funny things on the boxes, and then we made waffles and watched Law & Order: SVU! Well, you know what they say: the world is a vampire!

Yesterday I was drawing a mermaid in the artpad and one of the grownups that work here walked by and saw it. I was embarrassed. Later, I had an extreme coughing fit and nearly died, and then stumbled to the restroom to freshen up. There's a little health-room type of bed in the ladies' bathroom, and I was sitting on it, wiping my red, teary eyes, and a lady walked in. She must have thought I was crazy.

This week's weather is EXTREMELY miserable. My landlord described it as "weather for doing laundry." I have no idea what he meant by that. I've been told that a Nor'easter is here, and will be here until Sunday. I am not loving this. Last night I woke up several times due to wind and rain, and I NEVER wake up during the night. It's also been the 3rd coldest May in HISTORY!!!!!!!!! I even had to wear my winter jacket, which depresses me to no end.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are seriously SO GOOD at artpad. I need to learn the mastery of the wipe & new scene.


5/26/2005 10:34 AM  
Blogger Emily P said...

Well! Thank you for your compliments, but I really don't think I'm that good at drawing at all, especially using a mouse. I think you're way better.

Have you ever played graffiti on yahoo games? It's like an online version of Pictionary. It's amazingly fun! I love it.

5/26/2005 10:40 AM  

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