May 12, 2005

I'd blame parents, except he hasn't got 'em

What is going on with me? I have a recurring theme where, at work, I plan all the things I will do once I get out of work, such as start packing (I'm moving in a couple of weeks!!!), get some groceries, do laundry, etc. However, instead of doing those things, I bike home and lounge in bed reading or something and decide I'm sleepy and take a nap, then maybe eat something and play on the internet, and then watch a couple of episodes of Law & Order: SVU and then go to sleep. I'm such a loaf!

Last weekend, we tried to convince Ben to play some songs, and for some reason he didn't want to. Finally he said that if we sang something, he would play something. So Rachael and Liz and I sang the Little Mermaid song about thing-a-ma-bobs and the Aladdin song where the lady says, "still I think he's rathah tasty" and I think we might have sung another Disney song, but I forgot. Then Ben sang his song and we all sang along and he forgot some words but we recalled them because we love his song. And then the other Ben sang his song, and I liked that a lot too. That song had something about him wishing he could die so his friends could laugh together like they used to. Rachael can't wrap her mind around the other Ben.

And now I'm listening to the Katamari Damacy Soundtrack and I love it. Right now there's a song on called Cherry Blossom Color Season that's sung by children and it's really cute.

Why is tongue spelled so strangely?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

tong-gwuh. tong-gooey.

It SHOULD be spelled tung.

5/12/2005 12:02 PM  

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