April 10, 2006

Oh, baby!

Hey! Check it out! My sister had a baby and the baby's name is Miriam! I want to buy lots of things for her! I can't wait to fly home in two weeks! Here is a picture of the happy family!


When I showed the picture to my coworker, Lana, she said, "Which is the baby?" meaning which gender, but I thought she meant which of the three people in the picture is a baby, and I laughed because I thought she was joking.

These are things I'd like to buy for the baby:
  • Soft stuffed animal
  • Boston shirt
  • Beth suggested bibs because babies drool and puke a lot, so I think that's a good idea
  • Some beer for Lisa, because it's been so long without beer.
  • Cow costume, because Steve has a cow costume he wears for Halloween, and it would be cute to have Dad and daughter cow costumes.
  • Pretty much all of H&M's baby section

Any other suggestions?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hooray and congratu-ma-lations!!!

Also, if she's breastfeeding, isn't it a while yet before the beer reenters the scene? Tasty, tasty beer.

But congratulations Auntie Wubby!

4/13/2006 4:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

that's a baby!

4/26/2006 1:26 PM  
Blogger trent said...

get them some tranquilizer darts with matching tranquilizer dart-firing gun. if this baby turns out to be like that baby on the 4400 and can use her mind to blow shit up and make people commit suicide, you might have to take it down until it comes to it's senses.

8/29/2006 7:37 PM  

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