September 24, 2005

It's almost October!

  • We went to the screening of the movie Thumbsucker, which I liked, and we also made a new friend while standing in line! We swapped phone numbers with our new friend Leilani. So now we have to start doing fun things to make our new friend like us.
  • I had my first tutoring session! I tutored three guys in Electronics, but these three students were really good and they already had a lot of the homework done so tutoring was a breeze! Before the session, I asked the lady in charge what I should do, because I was a little nervous, and she said that I should take some time to get to know them. So here's what happened:
Me: So, where are you all from?
Them: [telling me where they're from]
Me: Well, I'm supposed to take some time to get to know you all, but I think we're pretty much best friends by now, so we can probably start talking about Electronics.
  • We finally fulfilled our destinies and went to the bar around the corner called The Midway Cafe. They say it's different every night, but last night was amazing! The main event last night was something called Nerd Nite! First, a woman talked about hidden bat diversity in the paleotropics, where she showed strangely cute pictures of bats and talked about the frequency of their tone used in echolocation and the size of their forearms and some funny interesting things that one wouldn't expect to hear when going to a bar. Then a guy did a bunch of awesome physics tricks! It was pretty much the best night of my life!
  • Today is Rachael's birthday! We're going to go to Finale to celebrate her almost-golden birthday! It will be the best time of our lives!

September 20, 2005

I wish I were a Sim

My roommate Rachael is really bad at loading the dishwasher. She always puts the plates where the bowls are supposed to go and the bowls where the plates are supposed to go, and she puts the tall glasses where the short glasses are supposed to go, and she doesn't allow room for more dishes later, so the dishwasher can't hold as many dishes. I wonder if she grew up using a dishwasher. She must not have. I thought I was just being really anal retentive, but Sammy agrees with me about Rachael's lack of dishwasher-loading prowess. However, he, unlike me, didn't take the time to rearrange the whole thing.

Tonight we're going to a free screening of a movie called Thumbsucker! I have no idea what it's about, but I hope it's delightful!

September 19, 2005

Confrontational + email = possible oxymoron?

The other day I left my bike at the train station overnight, and it rained that night. My bike was underneath an overhang, but it still got wet enough to make the chain a little rusty. When I rode it this morning, the bike decided to get back at me by launching a shard of acorn at my eyeball. Then, the bike rack was completely full at the station, and I had to squish in to lock it and I got dirt all over my shirt. That darned bike.

ALSO, I had to write a really confrontational email! I called someone "delirious" and said that [the robotics team] would prefer not to be associated with her. That was the most confrontational I've been in a while, and it was somewhat exhilerating, but mostly I was just shaky and sweaty.

September 15, 2005

A reading from the book of Emily

I asked Professor Silevitch, my old electromagnetics professor, if he would write a recommendation letter for me so I can start my job as a tutor. He told me to write the letter and he would "massage" it if he felt like it. First I was delighted, but now I'm just not sure...what do I say? It feels weird to write out all these nice things about myself. I think I'm just going to copy down some of the psalms or something, but I'll substitute my own name wherever it says God, or Jesus or whatever. For example, I can write something like:
Emily is my shepherd. I shall not want.
The heavens declare the glory of Emily; and the firmament sheweth her handywork.
Emily so loved the world, that she gave her only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in her should not perish, but have everlasting life.
That reminds me, remember how people used to hold up signs that said "John 3:16" at sports events? Does anyone do that anymore?

September 11, 2005


I'll never have drunk posts like Jeejeen has drunk posts because I am too obsessed with perfect spelling and grammar. 'Tis a shame! Hers are fun to decode. Sorry, readers!

September 06, 2005

Llama guys

I laughed myself silly while watching this: The paperboy video is the best.

Also, go here for two scenes from my weekend: 1 (gross) and 2 (hilarious)

Where did the summer go?

Arg, what am ah doin'? It's sad that the summer is over! No white after labor day! And tomorrow school starts, and I need a job or some way to pay the rent, such as selling all of my belongings. That's cool, right?

And now I unveil the pictures from my weekend on Lake Ontario. Now all I need is a trip to Lake Huron and I'll have been to all the Great Lakes!
