September 19, 2005

Confrontational + email = possible oxymoron?

The other day I left my bike at the train station overnight, and it rained that night. My bike was underneath an overhang, but it still got wet enough to make the chain a little rusty. When I rode it this morning, the bike decided to get back at me by launching a shard of acorn at my eyeball. Then, the bike rack was completely full at the station, and I had to squish in to lock it and I got dirt all over my shirt. That darned bike.

ALSO, I had to write a really confrontational email! I called someone "delirious" and said that [the robotics team] would prefer not to be associated with her. That was the most confrontational I've been in a while, and it was somewhat exhilerating, but mostly I was just shaky and sweaty.


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