June 29, 2005

I started classes, hooray! And this weekend I will be going to Wisconsin! School started on Tuesday, and Rachael and her cousin Shana moved in, and we had a delicious meal of tacos last night. Our dinner music was a mix of awesome 90's music, including songs such as "Wonderwall" by Oasis and "Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm" by the Crash Test Dummies.

Woah, woah, woah: did I already say anything about the party I attended last weekend? I haven't written an entry in a while, so probably not. It was a going-away party for Rachael's coworker, Chelsea, whose boyfriend is Swedish and he works at Atari and the Boston office was closing, so he either had to move to New York to work there, or go all the way back to Sweden. Anyway, the party was fun and everyone dressed nicely, and Rachael and I both wore nice white dresses, and it was reeeally hot outside, and there were homemade swedish meatballs. But the most amazing part is that Henrik, the Swedish meatball himself, made a toast in which he sang "Strangers in the Night" to Chelsea, and then he PROPOSED to her in front of everyone! I had never seen anything like that in real life. What fun! Then everyone got drunk!

June 23, 2005

My photos from our trip!


Now I need the pictures from Rachael's camera!

June 22, 2005

A snippet of Sammy's mealtime conversation about/with our turtle

Oh, he's got a little flap of dead skin on his head, it's like a bonnet! Look at him! He's a hunter! He's an animal! Ahh! Oh, he's really good at hunting. Crap. [kiss kiss] Rex! He's getting pulled towards it! His foot touched it and he hated it. He can't get up there. I don't think he likes going in the stream. Will you put him on top of the turtle dock? He can't get up there. I want him up there. He didn't want it. Rexford, just go up there. He's upside down, he loves it! I helped him. Aw, he got back in the water. He's a good turtle. Do you think Rexford will eat all the food off the filter?

I'm back!

I'm finally back to the land of varying food choices! The trip with Rachael was great, but I'm oh so glad to be home. I will miss the dancing in the ocean, of course, and swimming in the pool was fun, and I really love that we acted like we were roughly 12 throughout the entire trip. And we went snorkeling! I will post pictures very very soon! I'm on more vacation until next Monday, when school starts!

June 15, 2005

Some pictures (all of Sammy)!

Here is Sammy pretending to get us into a car crash!

Here is Sammy peering through the kitchen window thingy at Rexford!

Here is Sammy moving some shoes!

Here is Sammy looking at our awesome landlord's awesome artwork!

Spring break, woo!

Even though I'm a bit miffed after talking to Sammy, who was uncharacteristically being a jerk after characteristically being a freak about talking to strangers on the phone, I still am feeling great, because! TODAY IS MY LAST DAY OF WORK AND TOMORROW I'M GOING TO THE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC! But while we're talking about work, why the hell is Mr. Cubicle Next To Me, Whose Cell Phone Ring Sounds Like The Theme Song To A Science Show For Kids calling me Leslie? I don't mind so much, because he is a contractor, so he doesn't come in very regularly, but still. This reminds me of the time we were all in Washington, DC at Ben's house, and the phone rang. For some reason, I answered the phone, and the caller was asking for Ben's mom, Leslie, but I misheard him and responded with a loud and confused, "There's no WESLEY here!" and I continued to mishear him several times, and then Ben figured out that it was his dad calling for his mom, and I felt like a huge dork. Which I am. Also, I'm pretty sure Ben's dad thought I was drunk. Which I wasn't. But I will be soon enough!

SPRING BREAK!!!!!!!!!!

June 06, 2005

He calls the jacks Kevin Sorbo!

I've been spending an increased amount of time at work in Secret Hiding Spaces. I have two: one of them is the handicapped restroom (there are no handicapped employees here, so I don't feel bad occupying this place), which is its own little room, but there is really only one place to sit down in there (I don't like sitting on toilets while clothed because I'm afraid I'll pee a little), and there are no windows, so it's not my preferred Secret Hiding Space. My primary SHS is an abandoned stairwell that is not used much by anyone since the Giant Layoffs diminished the workforce and the still-employed employees are on the other side of the building. Anyway, this stairwell has a window with a nice view of the Blue Hills, and a windowsill that I can sit on, so it's pretty nice; however, it's not quite as private as the handicapped restroom. So usually I spend my time in the handicapped restroom doing things like plucking my eyebrows and other weird grooming things that I don't want to be caught doing, and I make non-private phone calls in the abandoned stairwell.

Sometimes I wish I were a smoker so I could take smoking breaks all the time. Jean used to take "fresh air breaks" at the hospital while all the smokers went outside to smoke. I think non-smokers shouldn't be punished by having to work while smokers are outside in the sunshine. If I didn't already take so many breaks (see previous paragraph), I would definitely take this up with the management:

Roger Blethen, CEO

He calls the jacks knaves!

This weekend should have been more filled with cleaning and sorting, but it was so sunny and hot that Sammy and I had to alternate between having fun outside, exploring the neighborhood, and sitting around inside, eating ice cream and watching old episodes of Sex and the City. This week should be cooler and less sunny, so I think I'll be more inclined to clean and sort. Once the place is more put together, I'll take some pictures and post them.

Friday night was fun, though; Rachael came over and Sammy made delicious curry for us, and we all loved it and then we read the Boston magazine article about my robotics team. I like it.

One unexpected joy of living with Sammy: he dances and sings all the time, which makes me laugh and laugh. Especially the dancing.

One unexpected non-joy of my new apartment: the oven is reeeeeeeeeeeeally old, and we couldn't figure out how to turn it on so we could make cupcakes. I mean, it's reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally old. I will post a picture of that. You will sympathize.

Aye! One unexpected triple-strength-non-joy of working here: the guy in the neighboring cubicle has a jaunty cellphone ring, and he is apparently at lunch right now, because his jaunty (and LOUD) ring is going off and off and off. NOT loving this!