February 23, 2006

What a state we're in, part deux!

Sunday night was the night of the President's Day party! We wanted to watch 1776, but that was not available, so we watched my little brother's school play about the constitutional convention instead! My brother played George Washington! It was great! We also played a giant game of Taboo! Here are some pictures from the weekend:

This one was taken at the fancy Beacon Hill party we went to:
I love cat!

This is Bethany, Ben and Sammy at that same party:
We love Beacon Hill

Here are Sammy, Rachael and Ben at the President's day party. Sammy is dressed as Chester A. Arthur: the college years. Rachael has a tiny stovepipe hat on her head, and Ben is just your average statesman. Sammy just finished microwaving those peeps and Rachael didn't like the look of them. She is saying, "they look like barf!"

Here we are dressed up for President's Day! Andrea gave me that vest, and I was really glad to be able to use it! Rachael T made the buckles for my shoes. Jeremy has a faux-hawk for some reason.

Here is a really bad picture of Andrea and a good picture of Sammy and Jeremy! Andrea normally looks very nice!

February 22, 2006

What a state we're in!

This morning I had an eye exam because I'm working with lasers and they want to check on my eyes in case I damage them. Now I can't see anything, and my pupils are gigantic, and it's a really sunny day outside. I was covering my eyes because my sunglasses were not shading enough, and I came really close to running into lots of things. Boston has too many people and poles. They should have planned the placement of the optometrist's office better. Also, right next door to the ophthalmological building, there's another eye-related building with a big glass eyeball outside, so even though I knew the address of my eye doctor, I passed it and walked into the building with the big glass eyeball outside. The lady at the front desk knew what had happened immediately; I bet that kind of thing happens a lot.

Anyway, while I was waiting for the eye doctor, I suddenly remembered something from when I was younger: one of my first times at the optometrist, the doctor said that he could figure out what I had eaten for breakfast that morning. Up until this morning, I thought that it was a secret eye doctor trick. Well, I hadn't really thought much about it until this morning, really. Anyway, I wanted to ask Tracy, since she's an ophthalmologist, but I decided to ask the eye doctor instead:
Me: Oh, have you heard of this before? When I was little, my eye doctor knew what I had for breakfast without me telling him.
Doctor: Ah, that's a good trick.
Me: Oooh, there's a trick??
Doctor: No, he probably just guessed.
Apparently it was just a trick to make me distracted or something, but it seriously worked. And I bet my eyes were open really wide too, because I was completely awe-struck at the time.

Last Sunday we had a President's day party and I have some pictures to show you, but I forgot to upload them, so you'll have to wait!

February 12, 2006

Yay snow!

There was a lot of snow today! Click the picture to see more!


February 07, 2006

We love Barack!

Rachael made some Barack Obama shirts!