Some Harry Potter freaks
My sister is going to have a baby girl, so I've been thinking of names. Lisa and Steve mainly think my names are too "old-sounding." Some of my favorites are Pearl and Georgia. Here is a message I left for her today:
Me: I've been doing some thinking, and I have a great suggestion for your baby. How about Hermione?
While I was tutoring today, Lisa left a message saying this:
Lisa: Thanks for the suggestion, but we're pretty set on either Ginny Weasley or Professor McGonagall.
I really hope they name their baby Professor McGonagall. How amazing that would be!
Speaking of Harry Potter, I saw the latest movie, and it was great! Well, it was great for me because I already knew what was going to happen the whole time, but I imagine it was really tough for those who hadn't read the book several times. Also, there were tons of things that got cut out, which is understandable because the book was hundreds of pages long, but there are things I would have liked to see.