The circle of strife
Oh hey, what's up!? We are going to a flea market tomorrow and I should go to bed, but I rode my bike past a peeing guy tonight and I interrupted his stream, and then he chatted with me for several minutes! I felt a little weird!
On Friday, Rachael and I went out to see if we could buy a lizard, but we backed out on the lizard buying after walking around the pet store for a good hour, all the while being followed around by a curly-haired guy with B.O.! And it WASN'T Sammy! For once! But really, we seriously considered getting a green anole lizard, and naming it Cannoli, but we didn't feel like paying for the supplies, or the crickets or mealworms, and besides, mealworms and crickets are pretty gross. Then we VERY briefly considered a bird, but then we remembered that birds aren't that great. Rachael and Sammy really wanted to buy a fish to put in Rexford's tank, but it would take about 10 seconds before Rexford would eat the poor fish, and I just couldn't handle seeing that.
Hey, check out some of Kali's pictures of her experience in Boston here!